Critical Incident Response

brett williams solo

Critical Incident Response details

With my background in counselling and business, I have been involved and played support roles for numerous critical incidents.

Who will you turn to when a critical incident occurs at your workplace?

I understand that accidents, death, suicide, and  conflicts in the workplace, have an effect on the whole workplace. And not only do they affect personnel involved directly, I know that any of these incidents can threaten staff morale which in turn affects productivity.

What can you do for me?

My guiding principle in critical incident response is to take immediate measures to reduce downtime, allow people to do what they need to do and then help them regain the motivation to get back to work.

By choosing Williams deKort Consulting, you will be ensuring you become, or remain, an employer of choice because I can help you:

  • respond quickly
  • debrief management and staff
  • move through the critical incident

Contact Williams deKort Consulting today so we can build our relationship BEFORE you need me.